Why I needed a post shoulder replacement surgery bra
With my upcoming shoulder replacement surgery, I was worried about wearing a bra for physical therapy. I felt that I would be very uncomfortable doing physical therapy without wearing a bra given that many therapists are men.
And even though I found some over-sized therapy type shirts with snaps, I knew that eventually I would want to wear a loose type t-shirt for therapy and/or doctor appointments AND, of course, I would want to be able to put on my bra underneath by myself.
While browsing the computer, I came upon the Springrose bra and even though I had not heard about them before, I thought I would give it a try.
My experience pre and post purchase
I was especially more comfortable trying this purchase given their pleasant communication and return process to make sure I had a bra that would be the right size and comfortable and worked for me the best that it could.
When I contacted the company, I heard back from Nicole, the founder, right away and she helped me order the bra that I could put on with one hand.
(By the way, before my surgery, I was still able to put on my bras and reach behind my back to use the hook and eye on the bra.)
The post shoulder surgery recovery experience
I was quite shocked after my surgery how little I could do and after 6 months, I was close to being able to reach behind my back; however, it was somewhat painful to do so.
I also realized that after my surgery my whole upper back area had changed shape and size and very few of my bras were as comfortable as the Springrose bra and sometimes an all cotton sports bra that snapped in the front.
In fact, the Springrose bra was the best given that a sports bra has a strap that sits very close to the armpit which is often where you have your stitches/scar after your surgery.
I have always prided myself on looking nice, even being a larger lady, but have had to acknowledge that I have to have comfort at this point instead of a bra that “supposedly” holds in your extra skin rolls on your upper back.
The Springrose bra allows me to wear a bra under my nice clothes and still have comfort and accessibility while completing my recovery which has taken much longer than I expected. So glad I found this company and this bra.
- C.A. from AZ